Someone who usually greets me walked past without greeting me this morning
Dinner a little later than usual today
Tired from too many visitors
Daily life too easy due to lack of natural predators and repetitive environment
Grass looks wet
Stranger looking at me in the eyes instead of politely at floor until I get used to their presence
Disappointment when human I usually associate with food visits without bringing me food
Ball fell in river :(
Too much looking
Prefer looking out the window overlooking lots of foliage over looking out other, less important window where there is not enough foliage
Crowd won’t go leave
It is cold when it should not be cold
Not enough of the day spent foraging and resting
Plum at lunch has weird texture
Lexigram board frustrating
Neighbor didn’t seem to realize I’d been away for a little while
Not sure if someone who regularly greets me is really happy to see me or just feels socially obligated to maintain a consistent level of interaction
Nuts hard to crack open
Producing token which usually results in the receipt of apple or banana fails to produce apple or banana
Walking in a little circles no longer really “doing it” for my mental health lately
Failed to make acquaintance who usually laughs when I do something funny laugh this time when I did something I thought was funny
I am asked too many tiring questions in a row in an attempt to establish my familiarity with grammar or object permanence
[Image via Wikimedia Commons]
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You have hit the zenith.......AGAIN, Danny!!!
Well, this certainly hit me dead center mass.