Things I Imagine Lyndon Baines Johnson Might Have Called Me Had We Met Prior To My Transition: Part Of A Series Of Maladaptive Fantasies, "Fawning to Cope," and Sublimating Violence With Folksiness
a real firestarter
a real whip
little bit of a pistol, fellas
a fine gal
your relationship to adorableness displays a fine manly vigor
Son, I know I’m not a good man. Can you help?
Walk me through this thing of yours about Subway sandwiches, young man. What am I missing here?
let me explain earthiness to you in a way that’s gonna resolve all this
this one’s got pluck, boys
There’s a better way to relate to violent male authority than avoidance and forced-proximity, and I’m going to share that with you right n—
"Sublimating violence with folksiness" is on brand for evangelicals
So my granddad was the White House dentist during LBJ’s administration, and now I want to send you the one (1) story I ever heard from him about it. It displays some classic Johnson behavior.