Most recently: Two monks illuminate some manuscripts.
MONK #1: what bird would you say this looks like
to you i mean
MONK #2: hm!
well i don’t see very many birds, you know, since so much of our work keeps me indoors
but there’s one i sometimes see nesting outside the brewhouse that bears a slight resemblance to this one
MONK #1: i’m sorry i didn’t mean individually
i mean what type of bird
MONK #2: oh! gosh
that is a bit of a puzzler
i think it could be quite a few different sorts
MONK #1: it was meant to be a swan
MONK #2: i can see that!
i can see how it could be a swan, i mean
MONK #1: possibly i shouldn’t have drawn him with ears on
MONK #2: not at all! not at all
it’s a good reminder to us all that we ought to listen carefully
MONK #1: well i had hoped so
MONK #2: we could all stand to listen more and chatter less
MONK #1: yes i thought that might be a helpful hint while anyone who was reading this was looking at the swan
MONK #2: I think it only took me a minute because i tend to think of swans having long necks
MONK #1: do you think i ought to draw him again, without the ears and with the longer neck?
MONK #2: and lose the valuable moral instruction? and the chance to exercise our imagination? not on your life
MONK #1: now this one I really like
MONK #2: oh yes i like it very much
the colors are so vivid and everyone looks so expressive
and the animal of course is…
MONK #1: now I’m afraid that’s a unicorn
MONK #2: but of course it’s a unicorn!
I can see now how you’ve put the horn
MONK #1: do you think I ought to have pointed it in a different direction?
MONK #2: i don’t see how you could have
not without getting in the way of the tree and the man in blue
MONK #1: that was my concern
MONK #2: no, that’s the only place for it
the little beard had put me in mind of a goat, but only for a moment
MONK #1: but it couldn’t be a goat, of course
because why would anyone need to hunt a goat with spears
MONK #2: another thing I like about this is how long and pointed everybody’s shoes are
remarkably clever things, pointed shoes
sometimes i wish i had a pair
MONK #1 [anxiously]: oh dear — but Brother, isn’t that worldly vanity?
MONK #2: i’m afraid it is
i didn’t really mean it, you know
i get along very well with our little wooden shoes
it was only that i think the cobblers who make them must be very cunning and good at their work
and i should like to meet them
MONK #1: oh, so should i
MONK #2: and ask them how they make them with those cunning little points to them
almost more than i should rather meet a unicorn
MONK #1: i would be very happy to meet either
MONK #1: now i wonder if you’ll be able to guess what bird i’ve done this time
MONK #2: i should hope i would by now! is it a swan?
MONK #1: hah hah! i had hoped i might have fooled you! a swan cannot say queck
they make more of a thwunk sound
MONK #2: there is no need to trick me, Brother
i would gladly look at any animal you care to draw
MONK #1: oh dear
i didn’t mean to play a joke
only to game with you
MONK #2: that’s all right then
he’s in trouble, your bird, whatever he might call himself
MONK #1: yes i thought i might imperil him for a bit
MONK #2: although what’s bad for your bird might be good news for your hound
MONK #1: oh dash it all, that was meant to be a fox
MONK #2: i can game too, you know, Brother :)
MONK #1: !
MONK #1: now tell me a bit more about this one
MONK #2: well
i was going to do something about eagles but then i realized i hadn’t included hardly anything of people yet
and there ought to be a few illustrations at least of labor and work and so on
toil, industry, tasks, that sort of thing
as a reminder that life is stern and life is earnest
and so at the last minute i made it a sort of fanciful hat so i could show a fellow weeding his garden
MONK #1: oh is that what he’s doing!
MONK #2: that’s not quite what it looks like, but that is what it feels like, if that makes sense
MONK #1: oh yes
you always make sense to me
MONK #2: so you see he’s working hard but he also can enjoy having a fanciful hat — oh I think that is handsome of you to say
MONK #1: it’s true
MONK #1: I thought the animals might enjoy hearing Mass, as we do
MONK #2: oh how dear they all look!
…but is it quite correct, do you think?
MONK #1: does not the Psalmist say “Beasts and all cattle; Creeping things and flying fowl; Kings of the earth and all peoples; Princes and all judges of the earth; Both young men and maidens; Old men and children. Let them praise the name of the LORD”?
MONK #2: and how well the stoat looks in his surplice!
MONK #1: it’s only a weasel in a cassock
MONK #2: it still suits him
and as you say, the Psalmist commands it, so it must be all right
MONK #1: if I were an animal I’d like to go to church every now and again
keep my hand in, so to speak
MONK #2: these birds seem to be very good listeners
perhaps you would like to draw them with ears next time…?
MONK #1: oho!
This is the kind of FOX news of which we need more.
I love how supportive of each other the monks are.