This evaporated ferrygoer’s sure to set the fathers of this townInto twenty different frenzies swearing no one here could drown,That the water’s never slaughtered any true-born island daughter, Who Australian-crawls to safety like her trawler-father taught her, Who correctly and directly swims a perfect route to shore, Always waiting half an hour after eating lunch beforeShe would dream of hazarding the most minute seafaring chore —
Fave Simpsons episode. And obvs I would pay to see Jaws the musical, A Pair of Doll Eyes is truly haunting. (Now I'm lamenting the end of the Gilbert and Sullivan society in town a few years ago, they put on a G&S production every year until they didn't have enough money mostly because it was just me, my mom's friend, and some other elderly women going by the end.)
BRAIN: believe you / naive view
BIG BRAIN: peril, shout / feral trout
GLOWING BRAIN: Carcharodon / remarked upon
GALAXY BRAIN: Australian-crawls to safety like her trawler-father taught her
Fave Simpsons episode. And obvs I would pay to see Jaws the musical, A Pair of Doll Eyes is truly haunting. (Now I'm lamenting the end of the Gilbert and Sullivan society in town a few years ago, they put on a G&S production every year until they didn't have enough money mostly because it was just me, my mom's friend, and some other elderly women going by the end.)