i do 40 push-ups nearly every day but very specifically do them alone so no one can notice my likely-awful form; i think the diligence of doing it outweighs by an order of magnitude in importance the value of good form, too much attention to which would actually be a huge deterrent to ever exercising
Why did this survey seem to only go to your male friends while the Little Women survey went to all of your female friends? Also, how do you have so many friends? (Asking for a friend.)
The first one was because it was funny to have the word "women" three times in the same sentence, in part because there was something so banal and absurd about hearing Bob Odenkirk say "My little women!" in a movie of the same title. The second was because seeing a lot of people (mostly but not exclusively men) talk about pushup form on Twitter reminded me that a lot people (mostly but not exclusively men) talk about pushup form, and I wanted to include my boy friends since some of them had been left out of the Little Women talk. and I think that's about it
but of course what it really means is that girls are only allowed to talk about victorian novels and boys are only allowed to talk about working out, that's the law
"I am a fat, gay man who slow-walked the track with the goth girl in P.E." is a such a mood!
going off to do adequate-form pushups till I can stop laughing at "the biggest little woman"
i do 40 push-ups nearly every day but very specifically do them alone so no one can notice my likely-awful form; i think the diligence of doing it outweighs by an order of magnitude in importance the value of good form, too much attention to which would actually be a huge deterrent to ever exercising
Why did this survey seem to only go to your male friends while the Little Women survey went to all of your female friends? Also, how do you have so many friends? (Asking for a friend.)
The first one was because it was funny to have the word "women" three times in the same sentence, in part because there was something so banal and absurd about hearing Bob Odenkirk say "My little women!" in a movie of the same title. The second was because seeing a lot of people (mostly but not exclusively men) talk about pushup form on Twitter reminded me that a lot people (mostly but not exclusively men) talk about pushup form, and I wanted to include my boy friends since some of them had been left out of the Little Women talk. and I think that's about it
but of course what it really means is that girls are only allowed to talk about victorian novels and boys are only allowed to talk about working out, that's the law
Yes that’s been my takeaway from all of your work, thanks!! :)