There was once a time when there were gods, but no mortal creatures.
'claws look good on a lot of things'
I am so glad this exists and I hope it will become a regular series. Thank you thank you thank you.
"mm except leave like four so i can put them on old dogs and SOME owls"
This is entirely accurate.
Fabulous! I wondered what happened to us.
gd GENIUS - I loved this so much I printed it out just to carry around and have - can you publish a book of these, would for sure buy
SCREAMING. danny. DAnieL
'claws look good on a lot of things'
I am so glad this exists and I hope it will become a regular series. Thank you thank you thank you.
"mm except leave like four so i can put them on old dogs and SOME owls"
This is entirely accurate.
Fabulous! I wondered what happened to us.
gd GENIUS - I loved this so much I printed it out just to carry around and have - can you publish a book of these, would for sure buy
SCREAMING. danny. DAnieL