I often wonder if having a bunk bed artificially extended my Little House on the Prairie fixation on account of how magnificently easy it was to tuck blankets around the edges of the top bunk and imagine the bottom bunk to be a covered wagon bed or a curtained four-poster, depending on the need.

I unironically wore a sunbonnet and called my father "Pa" till I was 11 and if you were at all into those books perhaps you dodged a bullet on this one.

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Report from the frontline of having lived the dream as a child: I actually acquired an elevated bunk bed style twin bed, with ladder to sleeping heaven and "study space" underneath!!! Tween paradise!!!

Regrettably, this experience has been slightly dampened in subsequent 3 decades in which I've had to sleep in same whenever visiting home.

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I had that polly pocket and wanted the shell bed so bad. I also wanted a canopy bed at a certain point. However sharing a room with my brother really cramped my fantasies overall because I had to imagine a whole other house to live in too.

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