In almost every possible way you resemble Taylor Swift: possessed of inescapable leggy blondeness, simultaneously culturally dominant and a perpetual underdog, opinions split on whether your frequent wordplay is laborious or charming
"opinions split on whether your frequent wordplay is laborious or charming" And like the Erinyes, here now descend a mob of Aubrey-Maturin readers and Swifties...!
This is just brilliant, and I need to rewatch that film now.
Your best friend is a natural philosopher yet you refer to insects as "reptiles"
Someone has been at your brace of pistols and you can't find your neatsfoot oil (also you know what neatsfoot oil is)
You wear your hat athwartships, the good old fashioned way
Your best friend's sloth has debauched itself yet again, bringing discredit to the ship
debauched ITSELF? did Jack Aubrey write this?
Come now Daniel, that is coming it pretty high
Please, please consider doing “How To Tell if You are in a Lucy Maud Montgomery” book. Failing that, Jilly Cooper.
Why, Daniel, what a fellow you are.
As easy as kiss my hand!!!
I am on perhaps my ninth reread and this brought me such delight. Give you joy, my dear.
I was very good and did not ask you even once when the next Aubreyad post was coming. My virtue has been well rewarded :D
"opinions split on whether your frequent wordplay is laborious or charming" And like the Erinyes, here now descend a mob of Aubrey-Maturin readers and Swifties...!
This is just brilliant, and I need to rewatch that film now.
My husband likes to say "gluppit the prawling strangles!" as Maturin-speak for "I don't understand the jargon of your specialty at all!"
Dr. Stephen Maturin is more my role model,
he'll get his turn, never you worry!
You return to your small beer refreshed having rescued a seaman who had fallen overboard.
"I wish you joy of it" made its way into my speech because of this series in about 2006 and has never left
What a treat! Delightful AND fiction written in second person, which is pleasing variety from most of what I read