"Now’s bad, but change is worse, right? How committed is he to white transmasculine abjection? I bet not as committed as me."

>I'm in this picture and I don't like it

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whooo was just rolling along, nodding my head, and then POW BABY— DOLL'S ARM and i am undone

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*holds very still so you will think Zoom froze and I won’t have to respond*

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As someone who got a phalloplasty about a year and a half ago, oof, does this make me think of conversations with trans guys who haven't pursued bottom surgery. Such a perfect parody encapsulation.

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In my defence I started reading this out to my two trans gfs and the one who is a doctor said, "but it is better for us!" To be clear, I absolutely want it.

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validation hahaha

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Daniel, sir, respectfully, how dare you

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Omg this is too much. Would LOVE to see this done live as part of a play or skit!! Can we make that happen??

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"fingerless gloves" is somehow such a perfect image for bottom dysphoria

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"It's easier to dig a hole than build a pole..."

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