First, congratulations to you all on the upcoming addition to the family! You absolutely remind me of my husband and this is a good thing. He has a basement full of survival food and knows where everything is, despite the lack of any order to the thing that I can see. (There are 12 separate tubs of vitamins.) You will need all that executive functioning when your child accumulates and loses their homework assignments, mittens, snack food left under the bed, keys to many different padlocks that he can't find, etc.

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3:1 parents to kids sounds like the perfect ratio.

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When my partner leaves the house he recites all the things in the fridge that I could eat that evening. I recently interrupted him a little shortly and said "I'm capable of finding food for myself, thanks, I'm an adult."

He took a deep breath and explained kindly that he does this because I am rubbish remembering what food is there for snacking on and what is an ingredient for a planned meal, and he noticed that if he gives me options I don't absentmindedly eat saved ingredients as much. 🤣

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Danny!!! A baby!!! Oh my GOSH you're going to be the best dad. And three is the completely ideal parent-to-child ratio because at any given time one can be with the baby, one can be doing whatever the current necessary household/life thing is, and one can relax. This system on perpetual rotation will get you through anything. I'm so so so VERY excited for you. Be well. Have a wonderful time. What an incredibly lucky child to come into the world, into such love. Terrific. ENJOY.

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I have vast swathes of food and I know about all of it except what's in the salad drawer. Always a mystery.

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I am also 8 months pregnant, but unfortunately have gestational diabetes, so I have to have certain foods less often than others. My go-tos have been high-protein vanilla yogurt with berries and Halo Top ice cream (which, while not as good as Ben and Jerry's or Jeni's, is still better than you'd think). I'll still have a couple Girl Scout cookies on occasion, though (I have two boxes in the freezer and two more in the pantry).

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The way you write about food makes a lot.of sense to my brain, and you are the person who introduced me to Maranatha peanut butter ( I think you said it was so good, you regularly ate it off a spoon?). I still love Maranatha so much, and go out of my way to the fancy and expensive grocery store at least once a month to stock up. So thanks for that!

P.s. congrats!!!!!!!

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Reading this is making me retroactively mad at my gestational diabetes.

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Also congratulations!!

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Awwww, congratulations! Just wait until people start dropping off meals after the baby is born. Aside from birthing a miracle human, I liked the food part best. It was like having party leftovers in the fridge for three months!

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1) congrats! 2) condensed milk in a squeezable bottle? what is this sorcery!

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Eagle Brand and La Lechera both sell them now! It's incredible! The one downside about condensed milk was always how messy the can inevitably got after repeated scoopings, no matter how carefully you tried to use it. This is the way!

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