Former piano teacher here. Can you help me forget teaching all those mediocre students? Does that cost extra?

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Mar 25Liked by Daniel Lavery

Huh. I actually kinda wish I had been a more dedicated student and maintained my (modest, but not nothing) skill. Every time i see a piano I think it would be nice if I could still play some of the pieces I liked. Of course, I obviously don't care enough to spend all the time maintaining that -- I really just want the Matrix skill download. But still... (I _do_ try to maintain my mediocre Spanish fluency, with twice-daily 15-30 minute sessions on DuoLingo. But that actually comes in handy in daily life.)

OTOH I may be an outlier... I sometimes joke that if I had a religion, I would be an Eluite devotee of Shemhazai, whose motto is "All knowledge is worth having."

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I do have a piano and I wish I knew how to play it, because I cannot give it away.

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Mar 25Liked by Daniel Lavery

I received a laminated recital list from nearly 50 years ago after my mother died. Yes my former teacher it was good memory, but for me it started my heart racing on my way to a panic attack. I also had the teacher that disciplined with a ruler, not a good method to perfection:-O. I never thought about forgetting it all, so thanks for the great idea!

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Oooh, now do taekwondo.

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This is very public spirited of you but I must say that I was disappointed to learn your offer covers only piano. While they refused to allow me to take piano lessons, they somehow believed organ lessons would be completely normal.

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How about integrating piano memories into your full self? Skills were learned - at a price, of course. Would you want to forget how to chop onions or set up a tent or diagram a sentence only because it was hard, or because you don’t need this skill every day - or at all? There’s a book “With Your Own Two Hands”, by Seymour Bernstein, which outlines the value of piano practice…or any practice, for that matter.

I am such a Chatner fan, which is why this piano dissing worries me. Had a lovely piano teacher myself, and profited from her instruction as a professional orchestra violinist, so perhaps I don’t get it.

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I did not need this service previously, as by the age of 18 I had successfully forgotten about 98% of the two years of piano lessons I took as a young child. However, in midlife I decided to take piano lessons, which has been fantastic and mind-expanding, and now I need help forgetting all the bad habits/technique I picked up while playing in the interregnum.

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I used to get so nervous the night before my piano lesson! Gladys McGowan was my first teacher. I am forever grateful mom and dad had me take lessons,love to play Broadway music now from Camelot,Oklahoma. Moonlight Donate relaxes me!


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