"Can you just let me know when the tapestry’s finished and I can look at everything all at once?" is such a mood. My mom is a Storyteller who believes that leading with a topic sentence spoils the narrative arc, and I canNOT get her to understand that I can't fully pay attention during her meticulously detailed recounting of The Context, if I'm also spending that time trying to deduce why she called in the first place and whether she's about to ask me to rearrange my schedule and feed her cats on the weekend. I just CAN'T. Why must information be delivered in these long, drapey strings all the time? Wind it up in a ball and let me know when you're ready to hand it to me, please!!

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Right now I’m sending little armies of Pay Attention up and down my cardiovascular system. They’re tucking themselves into lung-lobes and finger-capillaries, and all the cila I’ve got are waving softly in the direction of Yes I’m Here. Yes, I’m here! I want to be here so much, but I’m a sea anemone that got sluicked off a rock and shot backwards, salt-quick, into ocean depths. >>

This is my life with ADHD.

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The biggest of ADHD moods (I write from the depths of my med-increase-induced-insomnia at 3:30am)

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This is my ex and I'm triggered (well done)!

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