Ha ha welcome to traditional masculine presentation. Back in the 90s kid when I went for nigh-on 10 years between haircuts, my primary consideration was what color my hair was (I was a goth / raver, as was the fashion of the time) and whether I ought to do something about my horrific split ends. When my retreating hairline made that no longer tenable, I switched to a very short cut, and since then I have never known peace. I'm starting to think about growing it out some just so I can stop thinking about it so goddamned much. I just want to look nice, and not too much like a late 70s Czechoslovakian dissident poet, is that too much to ask?

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wait, the late 70s Czechoslovakian dissident poet look sounds super interesting

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Menopause totally made my eyes smaller. I think you are on to something.

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Flowbee time?

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Please check out Astor Place Hair, it is relatively cheap and pretty chill and its underground so you can usually connect to the wifi from the 8th St. NRW subway station from it.

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also Hairrari. omg, Hairrari. I go to the East Village one every three weekends and it feels like therapy just to spend half an hour there

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I'm a cis dude, and I didn't feel like this about haircuts till I went super bald. Now the only way my head doesn't look as stupid as it possibly can is with my hair cropped short as hell, so I gotta get a haircut like every three weeks or something. Mine are ALL clippers, and cost about 25 bucks with tip and beard trim. But hey, I don't live in NYC.

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