“Nor did Abraham say: Now I have become an old man, my youth is gone, my dream has not been fulfilled; I became a man and what I yearned for you denied me, and now that I am an old man you fulfilled everything in a wonderful way.
I’ve seen maybe three episodes at most but I do an EXCELLENT Samantha Jones impression. The trick is to say “Oh, honey” in a low voice, then follow it with a strange metaphor that sounds profound but means absolutely nothing.
I saw Twin Peaks AND Showgirls before Sex and the City and was therefore waiting for Trey to do truly deeply troubling things pretty much all the time.
[a series of "one" sentences with "– in my admittedly specific experience –" nestled amongst them is the best thing about my day so far; thank you)
I’ve seen maybe three episodes at most but I do an EXCELLENT Samantha Jones impression. The trick is to say “Oh, honey” in a low voice, then follow it with a strange metaphor that sounds profound but means absolutely nothing.
I haven’t ever seen an episode of this show because I don’t have HBO and
anyway from what I gathered it was just a lot of heterosexual nonsense. I
only know about it what people have referenced in parodies, think pieces,
and comedy routines. So from now on I will just assume that Miranda speaks
in word salad just like this. Don’t tell me if I’m wrong!
That sample episode truly reads like one of those scripts that's been written by a predictive text bot and I love it.
"ou gotta come watch me and Scoob and the gang fight the Knicks!"
I saw Twin Peaks AND Showgirls before Sex and the City and was therefore waiting for Trey to do truly deeply troubling things pretty much all the time.
[a series of "one" sentences with "– in my admittedly specific experience –" nestled amongst them is the best thing about my day so far; thank you)
Trey MacDougal pretends to be an FBI agent?