i cannot express to you how important this series of media criticism has been to myself and my trans nb/masc friend group. i not only read the corinthian, but wrote trans pen fic about it. now i care about anne of green gables! thank you x 100 for your service!!
I often find claims about "transmasculine invisibility" to be at best thinly-veiled misguided grievances against trans women, and that the best corrective to such invisibility (if and when it does exist!) is to just do research, rather than get mad Pornhub has a whole forced-femme section or whatever
i cannot express to you how important this series of media criticism has been to myself and my trans nb/masc friend group. i not only read the corinthian, but wrote trans pen fic about it. now i care about anne of green gables! thank you x 100 for your service!!
I often find claims about "transmasculine invisibility" to be at best thinly-veiled misguided grievances against trans women, and that the best corrective to such invisibility (if and when it does exist!) is to just do research, rather than get mad Pornhub has a whole forced-femme section or whatever