In case you missed it, yesterday EW premiered the cover and an excerpt from my upcoming third book, Something That May Shock And Discredit You. I’m absolutely melted over the cover, which feels exactly as camp and histrionic and self-indulgent and arrested as I had hoped; all that funny Midwestern kid stuff was just a prelude to this meltdown.
>In which the author clearly feels obligated to badly summarize theory in order to offer a publicly defensible sense of self.
If you haven't yet watched, the last part is basically this exploded out about thirty different directions and it's awkward and hilarious. Also Baltimore Maryland is a whole experience.
“and, for some reason, a cyborg.”
>In which the author clearly feels obligated to badly summarize theory in order to offer a publicly defensible sense of self.
If you haven't yet watched, the last part is basically this exploded out about thirty different directions and it's awkward and hilarious. Also Baltimore Maryland is a whole experience.