Dec 13, 2021Liked by Daniel Lavery

...I may have, MANY times during law school, when I lived up many flights of stairs in a forlornly elevator-free apartment complex and the Circle K was at the bottom of a hill two blocks away that was often impractical or impossible for me to walk down (disability! what a concept) and thus required Getting In The Car and All Those Stairs and God It's Hot/Cold/Raining, bemoaned that the universe would not provide me with a pneumatic tube for the delivery of soda, cigarettes, and assorted sundries directly to my apartment from said Circle K. This was before Postmates or Doordash existed, or perhaps only before they were available in our small, poverty-stricken city, but I maintain I would still love one now that I have my own house in the same city a similar distance from the corner store but at least mercifully without multiple flights of stairs. My pharmacy and bank still have the tubes, and I regret we will not likely be seeing them in the Kroger/Aldi/Costco trifecta, but I'm certainly in favor of your proposal and have subscribed to your newsletter. Best, popelizbet.

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Has the Salmon Cannon not been brought to your attention previously? https://twitter.com/cheddar/status/1159076692691955712

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