Oct 24, 2018Liked by Daniel Lavery

Speaking as someone who quite smoking in 1978 -- the urge does eventually go away completely. For me, it took years, but the worst of it was over in a month or so. For the next couple of years, I mainly had to the urge to smoke at times when I had habitually done so: after meals, when sitting down to do an annoying but necessary task, when writing. But that, too, went away eventually. Courage, DMO! It will get better.

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I am delighted to report that the nicotine gum from Rite-Aid is FAR SUPERIOR to and cheaper than snobbish and expensive Nicorette.

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First of all, thank you for the Harvey reference.

Also, nigh on 11 years post smoking cessation, I have been known to stand too closely to people who just smoked in the hopes of catch a deep sniff (you know, like whippits) of ambient nicotine. Early AM yoga has helped somewhat, but there will always be part of me that inhales Pall Mall secondhand smoke like the finest perfume.

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