this hoodie almost fits me, plus an update
I recently bought a hoodie that fits me perfectly except for the string that goes through the hood itself? You know how all hoodies have like, a big shoelace that wraps through the head part, right? I'm not making that up? Anyhow, the hoodie fits great, but the face-shoelace reaches my waist on both sides, which is weird and distracting and makes me feel like maybe my head is disproportionately sized to the rest of my body. The shoelaces are getting caught on doorknobs and stuff when I try to leave my bedroom! It would be impossible to tighten the hood to the extent the shoelace suggests! The shoelace is going to be a problem, I can tell.
Here are a few updates relevant to your life and interests:
Thank you for all your help in figuring out the subscriber limit! Someone recommended I write TinyLetter and ask nicely for a higher subscriber limit, and it worked – the Shatner Chatner can now support up to 7500 readers. So this at least buys me some time!
I finished edits on my second book and now we're moving into cover design. The name, I think officially now, is The Merry Spinster and other tales of everyday horror. You will be able to buy it in early 2018.
I also finished my contribution to Del Ray's upcoming Star Wars collection, From A Certain Point of View. You can preorder it here; it comes out October 3rd, 2017. I think my story is very good and very funny, and there is a very real chance you may enjoy it.
I am finally going to meet Nikki Chung this summer when we all go to Nicole's house. We still haven't met in person.
The Dear Prudence podcast is always looking for guests. If you think you'd have a fun time giving advice with me, especially if you live in the Bay Area, email me and come on the show, okay?
This hoodie is bringing up a lot of feelings for me. It's hard to explain. I recently got rid of about 70% of my wardrobe, and I'm not really sure where I'm going with any of this. I miss everybody. I love you guys. Thanks for reading.