Sep 9, 2021Liked by Daniel Lavery

I feel like there have been a few of these lately that came to my inbox at just the right moment for me to read them, and for it to look like I was WAITING to smash that "like" button, lol.

Anyway, don't mind my joking acknowledgment of the horror that I might be perceived in the world; it's just my female socialization, you see

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Sep 10, 2021Liked by Daniel Lavery

I can't help but read it in a voice from Homestar Runner's Teen Girl Squad: "OW, MY GIRLHOOD!!"

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Sep 10, 2021Liked by Daniel Lavery

"Well, it’s high-functioning female socialization, so I can stop anytime I want." Beautiful.

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Sep 10, 2021Liked by Daniel Lavery

**reviving ophelia book cover intensifies**

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