*buys one of those weekly pillbox thingies* *adds extra layer of "did I take that pill or just forget to refill the box" to anxiety*

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I have adhd and take other pills and have for almost 20 years, so I've worked out some strategies.

Namely, for the weekly pillbox thing, I

a) leave the door open once I've taken it, so I can say at a glance "ah yes, Tuesday morning is done, I'm feeling sluggish despite my rx stimulants"

b) always do the refills on a prescheduled night (for me, Wednesday, but doesn't matter which, just put it on your calendar or fridge or put a piece of tape on the next day and say "refill me")

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I keep losing the pillbox things, then buying a new one, then finding the first one, finally having a hoard of pillbox things.

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that is me 😅

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Setting myself reminders on my phone then seeing the reminder and taking the pill then not hitting "done" on the reminder and seeing it again later and not remembering if I took it and forgot to get rid of the reminder or thought about taking it but didn't actually... the problem is the action of taking a pill is roughly the same every time so I can easily envision myself doing it whether I actually did or not, so real memories are little help

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This is exactly why I don't take pill-based birth control. That is NOT something I need to remember that I remembered wrong.

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My partner bought me a nice little weekly pillbox with a see-through lid so that I will be better at remembering my pills. Instead, it just helps *him* see if I have taken my pill so he can remind me. My own abilities have not improved.

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Phone, keys, wallet, pills, pills? Go back in to take pills. Pills, keys, wallet, phone, phone? Took out phone to check pill reminder, left it on counter. Phone, pills, keys, keys, other pocket, wallet, credit card in wallet, credit card in wallet? Used it for online shopping last night, go back in to look for credit card, take off shoes to go look in bedroom, it's on the nightstand. Get everything IN, dammit, pat oneself all over, FINALLY get out of the house.

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... This helped me remember to take my pill.

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This applies to my life more than anyone could possibly realize.

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Take pill before breakfast every single day. Have blood drawn to see if pills work, but then a meltdown because I can’t handle bloodwork. Might need another pill for the bloodwork...

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I think I was on this medication. (Or a similar one) So many blood draws.

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the title for this appeared deep in my notifications next to all my un-Done Clicked pill reminder notifications, made me temporarily question my sanity/ if I set up another reminder app and forget all about it 10/10

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I may act like I'm ok

but deep down

I'm hungry again

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this reminded me to take my pills.

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“Did I forget pill or did I forget to address phone reminder”

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I literally read this at breakfast, and I just took my pill (with tea), but dammit if this didn't make me second-guess myself.

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