This is truly so beautiful, & also I feel like there is some spiritual kinship between the method of taking all three for a walk and the documentary about the man who could take all the groceries up to the apartment in a single trip. A kinship here not meaning sameness, but ... of thorough-going engagement with the difficulty, a kinship of perseverance and inevitability.

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bon-bon is sniffing Mr Wilson RIGHT NOW

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Three, that's the magic number.

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Catechism of the canine trinity.

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This was just absolutely delightful and made my hard day much brighter ✨️

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i am legit weeping with joy, these are all the answers i need

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"In what style does Mr. Wilson best like to dine?"

Please kiss each little domed dog head for me next time you are doing this and counting 1 2 3

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This cheered me up on a day when I was feeling gloomy. Thank you!

I especially enjoyed the line “Do not bother coming back into the house and up the stairs again. It is not possible to take three dogs back up all those stairs, because of Zeno’s Paradox.”

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Things I do not get excited about: dogs

Things I always get excited about: someone else talking at length about how much THEY love dogs.

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