lolll! Lost it at Zack Braff

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per usual, all of this is amazing, but good gravy did "The reunited staff of Sassy" really get me

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I haven’t even finished the first part and I’m absolutely dying at these very plausible names

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Just a humble Chaser seeking my Erika Moen ☺️

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Ok now I’ve finished it and it has exceeded expectations. Day 1 IPO pop. (Ok I’ll take the mask off now, was weird to wear it again)

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As a (former) finance bro, I haven’t even finished this and it is GLORIOUS

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My cat died this morning and I have been in bed sobbing since I got home from the vet. This is the first time I’ve cracked a smile all day, and it was so worth it. Thanks, Danny.

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oatly / blackstone funding round really got me

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Oh my God, "Helping Handrogyne" is too perfect

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What a delight it is to be not-online enough that this is the way I find out about these startups

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