"Force me to live in the moment and acknowledge the ways in which I’m hiding from an awareness of my own feelings."

Annnd right out the gate, this hits me where I live!

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I just have to carry mine from the driveway, so there's no hallway or parking garage, but I still relate. I do have the added danger that my 90-year-old father-in-law will see me and try to help.

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It is important that you know about this https://youtu.be/PQ-tNjAG4sE

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The little thin plastic bag handles will dig into my wrists, temporarily reddening them.>>

This may not be as temporary as you think... I just looked down at my left wrist and realized I have a purple welt from the weight of the grocery bags last night.

In the interest of full disclosure, I have unusually sensitive skin.

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