Love it! Also, I had never seen this painting, and I can't get over how much it feels like a response to this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gleaners

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I keep looking at them side by side and sighing with like a very deep, satisfied contentment that is bubbling up from I know not where.

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Aw, this is lovely!

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This is a deeply beautiful comparison, thank you

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“good like a long cat of tired length”

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I literally have a magnet of this painting on my refrigerator and I can confirm all of this on a very small, magnet-sized scale.

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This is just so, so good.

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Well, it's a Caillebotte, which means it's a big canvas and looks enormous IRL, especially because of all the angles and triangles and whatnot.

Daniel, I think your comments are *way* more apt and accurate than most (includes ever single bit of art historical-type analysis of this piece that I've seen).

Weirdly, i have a much clearer memory of this + an enorous Monet canvas featuring turkeys than of much of anything else that the National Gallery of Art featured in an attempted recreation of the 1st and 2nd Impressionist salons (Salons des refusees) a couple of decades ago. All the best paintings were small and people were about 8-10 deep in front of each one, so it was impossible to actually see them. I got turkeys, floor scrapers and an odd Degas of a woman acrobat performing at a circus instead.

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